Acoustic Pianos


Every manufacturer recommends their pianos be tuned at least twice a year — more often as circumstances demand.

Performance tuning should always be done before concerts and for professional-level musicians.


Regulating the piano action — systematic adjustments to the keys and hammers — keeps your piano working at its optimum capability and helps with consistency of the touch.  Varying degrees of regulating can be done, from basic to very extensive.


Reconditioning is required to make up for the normal wear and tear that occurs on a piano with time and use, and can keep it in good working order for years to come with regular service.


Rebuilding your older piano can restore it to prime condition and performance capability.  Both the piano’s value and the pleasure of ownership are enhanced by proper restoration/rebuilding.

Player Pianos

Early 20th century player pianos still abound. Some operate by foot-pump bellows alone, and some have an electric vacuum motor added to pneumatically power the player unit.

Mid 20th century players are generally electromechanical-pneumatic hybrids.  A few manufacturers still produced the old-fashioned style players during this time period.

Modern digital players combine computer technology and amazing mechanical engineering with the traditional beauty of the acoustic piano.  Background orchestration can accompany as desired.

All of these instruments require experienced professional attention when it comes to tuning and servicing.  Contact me with any questions you have.